It’s been so long since I wrote a blog post. I’m sure since
before I moved, which was a good 4 months ago. Moving was crazy, work has been crazy;
I imagine I could have found some time to write, but I didn’t, so there it is.
It’s a beautiful fall day here in the DC suburbs. Cool and
not humid. I took a nice walk this morning; it’s a perfect day for it. So looking
forward to the cooler weather and the changing leaves. Not looking forward to
losing hours of daylight, but as a friend says, “got to take the bitter with
the sweet”.
Today I am feeling creatively energized.
Last evening I decided to make a new bag. I began
it at 6pm and by 10pm, voila!

Pardon the bad lighting, the one on the right is truer to
the colors. I just love the print fabric on the top, the charcoal and cream go
so beautifully together, and I enjoy the hand-drawn images and writing.I have no idea what it says, but I like it! The
bottom and strap is made of Essex linen/cotton blend and has more of a woven texture.
today, I’m all fired up and I want to make about 10 more, (not all the same, of
course) and try to sell them. I had been thinking about getting a part-time job
to help with expenses but after I got back from vacation I decided that I’d
give making/selling a try. I have an
Etsy shop somewhere that I can rejuvenate, plus a number of opportunities here
to check into for selling things I make. Despite my love of quilts, I don’t
think that I’ll make many to try to sell, simply because they take so long. If
things go well with smaller items, I might try throwing some baby quilts/lap
quilts into the mix.

In other news, the cats aren’t too demanding today. More
like a couple of lazy lumps.